Saturday, January 21, 2012

Benefits of a Blog

Though most Blogs never get read, they can be very beneficial to the Blogger.  Blogging can enhance writing skills.  With continual posts on topics I enjoy, it enables me to be creative in what I write without any restrictions or guidelines.  I get to voice my opinion and people can choose to agree or not.  Also, blogging hones my researching skills and broadens my knowledge on topics I might not be so familiar with.  From a business standpoint, blogging is a free tool used for advertising and it is an excellent way to get a product and or company name out there. 

If ever given the opportunity to work as a “pro blogger” for a sports fan page, I would take into consideration what I as a sports fan would want to read.  Though focusing on scores and pre season workouts is entertaining, as a reader I want to read the scoop and 411 on behind the scenes.  I want to know about the players, what they are doing, what perks they get, and how they psych themselves up before a game.  Fans want to feel close to the players and if given a blogging job I would try my best to do just that.   

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