Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mentally Tough (FB)

Being an athlete isn't just about the physicality and conditioning of your body to be better and stronger than the opposing team/opponent.  It also involves training your mind to be mentally tough. It takes a lot to be a part of competitive events and sports. With yelling fans, coaches harping down your back and teammates depending on you, how do you maintain a steady and focused attitude that allows for peak performance? What is being mentally tough exactly and how do you develop it? Dr. David Yukelson of Penn State University examines these questions and has developed the answer that all athletes should consider before any competition or workout. 

What is mental toughness? Mental toughness is having the natural or developed psychological edge that enables you to: cope better than your opponents with many demands that are placed on you as a performer (competition, training, lifestyle). A key component of mental toughness is learning how to condition your mind to think confidently and be able to overcome frustration/self critical negativity. Personally for me as soon as a coach or teammate points out my mistakes I have made, I immediately shut down and begin to dwell on those mistakes in my mind and begin to psyche myself out as a player. In order to prevent this from happening and develop mental toughness Yukelson lists six steps athletes should consider preparing themselves mentally before competitions or workouts. 

1. Mental toughness starts with the right attitude and state of mind (know what your core confidence is all about) -Confidence comes in knowing you are prepared and having an unshakable belief in your abilities to reach intended goals.

2. Program your mind for success ahead of time with positive affirmation and expectations -Expect the best from yourself; affirm what you are going to do to be successful -Confident goal oriented statements starting with “I will, I can, I am going to…” -Focus on the things you want to occur, other than things that might go wrong -Visualize yourself performing (confident, energized, full focus)

3. Routinize your behaviors: develop a systematic pre-performance routine that clicks on desired mental emotional state of mind (practice, pre-game, competition).

4. Poise and composure: Learn how to let go of mistakes quickly if things do not go the way you want. -Don’t allow frustration to undermine your confidence/focus

5. Take control of negative self talk: Reframe “stinking thinking” into positive task oriented suggestions.

6. Look at failure as a stepping stone for future achievement. -Champions approach to overcome adversity: Play to win as opposed to fear of making mistakes -He missed 9000 shots, missed 26 game winning shots, lost 300 games –Michael Jordan, NBA 6 time world champion “I failed over and over, that is why I succeed.” Be a difference maker, step up and have a peak performance when it matters most.

Being mentally tough isn’t a cake walk; in fact it takes a lot of internal strength and focus to maintain the right state of mind. By examining these steps and applying them to your life it can help individual’s confidence and allow for peak mental performance. 

** Following video is a motivational film about what is takes to be successful and inspired**

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