Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Product Life Cycle of a LAX Stick

STX Wooden Stick

Lacrosse comes from a rich history of being one of the first sports ever played on American soil.  Invented and played by the Native Americans, the equipment used in LAX consists of a stick in order to control a small ball that is passed among team members. The lacrosse stick holds significance to the Native American way of life, including religious beliefs.  As one can only imagine with the growth of the sport, the lacrosse stick has come a long way from its original form carved of wood, using animal tendon or vines to form a basket at one end. The game continued to be played with wooden sticks until the latter 20th century.

STX 1970s Composite Stick
Taking a look at STX, leaders/innovators of women’s lacrosse equipment, they were among the first to mass produce wooden sticks for play.  As the game began to become more popular, along with advancements in safety, STX produced one of the first composite heads to fit on a wooden handle in the 70s.  The introduction of this new innovation began to slowly emerge then boomed in the growth period as players began to notice a significant change in their performance.  The transition from the traditional wooden stick to composite quickly transformed the game of lacrosse forever. 

The new composite sticks were definitely a cash cow for producers, even at the maturity stage of their life cycle players still invested because, at the time, they were the best product for lacrosse in the market.  STX still continues to invest in new materials and technologies to enhance the equipment of the game. 

In today’s game, sticks are made of synthetic materials for durability and easier handling. According to, today's lacrosse sticks are made of an aluminum pole with plastic forming the netted head. These materials, as well as materials such as titanium and graphite, are designed to lighten lacrosse sticks, making them simpler to control during game play.  Depending upon the player’s position can determine on the type of stick someone can get, however it is usually based upon preference. 

To say the least, the sport of lacrosse is still in its growth cycle and along with that the equipment and products are continually being changed and enhanced.  In other words, the company with the newest and effective designs and technologies will turn the most product sales.     

**Facts obtained from the following sources:

1 comment:

  1. Lacrosse a big fun sport that has a lot of clubs around the US. And i am one of those who like to spend around $50 to $500 on best lacrosse sticks and I play both as a midfielder and as attacker.
