Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Hype

With the hype of the super bowl slowly dwindling down from last night, the commercials and advertisements still linger strongly in the air.  As we all know it wouldn't be a Super Bowl without the 15 to 30sec commercial productions that cost more money to make than most even earn in their lifetime.  With a large viewing audience of around 90 million, this is every marketers dream to create that advertisement that can be gawked at by audiences from around the globe.  However, this year there seems to be some mixed reviews on the commercials and whether they were note worthy at all.  Of course, it was going to be difficult for Chrysler to out shine themselves from last year’s empowering message on the the city of Detroit, but Clint Eastwood?  Granted an amazing actor and very deep prominent voice, I honestly didn't know if the commercial was supposed to be serious or comedic.  BUT this is beside the point, I want to discuss other forms of advertising that were showcased during the SB that may or may not have gone unnoticed by viewers.

Some interesting observations I made about last night’s game.  Both players were sponsored by Reebok.  The Reebok logo was plastered on all of the players jerseys, however the shoes and accessories the players had worn were by different brands, predominately Nike.  I am not sure how player sponsorships work, but apparently they are allowed to wear other brands other than Reebok.  If I were to take a guess I think that Reebok is the official sponsor of the NFL and all teams wear Reebok jerseys, but footwear, gloves, sweatbands ect. can be up to the player? (not sure).  Also, Toyota must have shelled out a lot of money to have their name on the half time report commentators table.  It is a safe to say that the vast majority of commercials/advertisements were cars.  There was Fiat commercials, Kia Optima, al lot of Chevy, and of course Chrysler.  Also, NBC being the network/channel the game was on didn't hesitate to plaster their, what I like to call, rainbow orange slice logo everywhere.  They advertised upcoming TV programs, along with their sports network and just NBC in general.  If the camera angel was just right you could see Verizon flash on the electronic boards throughout the stadium.  Finally, those classic green Gatorade cups and water bottles were being used by the players and coaches.        

2012 Super Bowl Halftime Show
Though this blog is predominately on the advertising I want to conclude with my thoughts on the half time show.  IT BLEW MY MIND!  Though the actually performers, Madonna cough cough, could have done without; the overall entertainment value was spectacular.  The show/camera positions/network went off without a hitch in my opinion.  A lot of organization and event planning went into this production and it was on point.  Perhaps one of the more entertaining half time shows.  The usage of fiber optic lights (moving floor) was brilliant and I bet we will see the usage of more digital stuff such as that in the upcoming opening ceremonies for the Olympic games.            

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